
Somedays i feel like ps1 hagrid
Somedays i feel like ps1 hagrid

Remy: Yes, I do believe you have handed me my ass on a few occasions. And you’ve probably had your ass handed to you by us. Which is the main reason I often hide my voice when I play on Xbox live. We just like to hide behind the names of the great gamer men who came before us, lest we get berated online for being a girl. And now I can’t afford to build a new one, with all the specs that I want. You’ll probably hear me say ‘Get in my backpack, because this team just got carried.’ And I only play Xbox because my PC got pissed on by my dog, and it broke. You’ll never hear me on the microphone on XBL saying ‘aw but I’m a girl’. Granted there are girls who’ll whine, complain, and express they game in order to get attention, but I am not one of them. I also think of it as a way to escape the everyday mundane reality we all live in. I do not game to ‘fit in’, I do not game to ‘get attention from boys’ and ‘seem interesting’, I game because it is an integral part of my life, and it is a place of socialization, challenge, and stimulation. Be it at Mario Kart, COD, or Super Smash Bros, I have just as good a shot of winning as you. If you could take this opportunity to address one stereotype or cliché female gamers face, what would it be?Ĭhelsea: You’re making me pick one, when there are so many? I’m no feminist, but let me tell you, there are girl gamers like myself who can kick a boy’s ass. Remy: Yes, the idea of a game that takes place in a Fallout universe that never really ends is a scary and exciting prospect. And I am excited to hear Bethesda won the rights to make a Fallout MMO. Although BioWare probably ruined any RPGs for me with their interactive conversation wheel and having your character respond with a voice, I still love Skyrim. The game is littered with things like that, and it’s a well spent $60, since I intend to put thousands of hours into it. Like the ship you can swim to, beneath the ocean. There are even little details that people often overlook. From the never ending quest lines, to the graphics, and the customization of everything, it’s perfect. Each one has its ups and downs, but Bethesda blew me away completely with this one. And since Fallout 1 for PC was released, I have been an avid RPG player. I know it’s simply Fallout with swords and magic, but that game is amazing. With all the games released in 2011, great and not, my personal favorite is Skyrim. The graphics were good, the ability to level up weapons was also a perk, but overall the game was a gimmick. Overall, I was very excited, only to be highly disappointed by MW3. I was at the midnight release and partook in the contest. CoD MW3 I saw as a very expensive map pack to its predecessors. However, our standards have since dropped from the nineties. As you asked, 2011 has been a huge benchmark in gaming. The knowledge of accurate history in some days, as well as the critical thinking they require, is a wonderful trait to have nowadays. Also, to my surprise, gaming has helped me pass some classes in high school and college. Gaming has always been a huge part of my life. From Sega to Nintendo and all in between, I have pretty much rocked every console at one time or another. Well, I’m 21 and have had every gaming console from Atari passed down to me by my mother.

somedays i feel like ps1 hagrid

2011 was a benchmark year for gaming and a favorite game says a lot about a person.Ĭhelsea: No problem, Remy. Also, tell us your favorite game of 2011. Let’s begin with you telling us a little but about yourself. Thanks for sitting down with me and helping to abolish some of these archaic stereotypes involving your gender and gaming. I thought the best way to address this was to give an opportunity for a few of the genuine girl gamers I know to put their point of view into their own words. Male gamers have always wanted there to be more female gamers in the culture, yet it is those very men who may be subconsciously (or overtly) pushing the girl gamer away by acting like a sexist caricature of the alpha male. But sadly, many of the clichés and stereotypes involving female gamers do not seem to grow or evolve, creating what is ultimately a hostile or overly sexualized environment.

somedays i feel like ps1 hagrid

The idea of a steady stream of girls and women who play video games was almost unheard of until recently, and has become far more commonplace over the last five years.

Somedays i feel like ps1 hagrid